
In hardware simulation asynchronized or concurrent execution are very important, since modules, or different parts, in a hardware executes in parallel. For example, we commonly use initial blocks, fork and join in a SystemVerilog testbench; in SystemC, SC_THREAD, SC_METHOD are used to support concurrency.

The asynchronized or concurrent model appears in many modern languages JS, Golang; Python 3.5-3.6 introduces asyncio and co-routine, which is useful for IO-heavy codes They seems to be a good option for Python-SystemVerilog co-simulation, but the built-in API provides less low-level control on the scheduling, making it difficult to use it for SystemVerilog co-simulation. Therefore, we choose the old friend, the generator, as the basis in Nicotb. Generator is the very primary form of co-routine, it require much text to explain, but you can find lots of tutorial on the web about it and I will just skip it.

Simulate Concurreny with Generators

To demonstrate concurrent programming with co-routine, in the following code segment, we show a simple example that two generators are scheduled in the main_loop() function, as if two threads are executed in parallel and synchronized by the yield.

def f():
    for i in range(5):
        print("Function f, {}".format(i))
    print("Function f finished")

def g():
    for i in range(3):
        print("Function g, {}".format(i))
    print("Function g finished")

def main_loop(threads):
    from itertools import zip_longest
    for dummy in zip_longest(*threads):

main_loop([f(), g()])
# Note: this is wrong
# main_loop([f, g])

This output is:

Function f, 0
Function g, 0
Function f, 1
Function g, 1
Function f, 2
Function g, 2
Function f, 3
Function g finished
Function f, 4
Function f finished

While it seems that f and g are executed in parallel, we should always bear in mind that if f and g is actually executed in sequential, and the concurrency is simulated in the main_loop().

Events in Nicotb

Events is one of the most important parts in concurrency, and it also exists as a built-in type in SystemVerilog. Actually, implementing events can be as simple as constructing integer indices. In the following code segment, we show a generator yields a event index it is waiting for. For simplicity, we assume that the number of events, say 4, is known in advance:

def g():
    yield 2
    yield 0
    yield 3

def main_loop(threads, n_event=0):
    # ...

# We have 4 events 0,1,2,3
main_loop([g()], 4)

How to implement such event-based scheduling? In the previous section we use the built-in zip_iterator as a simpler scheduler, while for supporting events, we must implement our own scheduler. Specifically, we maintain a queue to hold the pending events and a list to store which generator is waiting for the event to be triggered.

The logic of the scheduler is:

  1. As long as the queue is not empty, pop the event index and execute the waiting generators.
  2. If the generator doesn't terminate, then it yields an event index it's waiting for and should be added to the correspoinding event index.
  3. If the generator is done, it will throw a StopIteration, and we can get rid of it forever.
  4. Whenever an event is triggered, it is pushed to the queue, and is scheduled in the next time step.
def f():
    print("f wait")       # T0
    yield 0               # wait on event 0
    print("f trigger 1")  # T1
    print("f finish")     # T2

def g():
    print("g trigger 0")  # T0
    yield 1               # wait on event 1
    print("g finish")     # T2

def trigger_event(i):

def schedule(threads):
    for t in threads:
            wait_on_idx = next(t)
        except StopIteration:

# NOTE: If fact we should use a deque instead of the list.
event_pending = list()
event_queue = None
def main_loop(threads, n_event):
    global event_pending, event_queue
    event_queue = [list() for dummy in range(n_event)]
    i = 0
    while event_pending:
        print("==== Time step {} ====".format(i))
        # Pop an event from front
        event_idx = event_pending[0]
        event_pending = event_pending[1:]
        this_event_threads = event_queue[event_idx]
        event_queue[event_idx] = list()

main_loop([g(), f()], 2)

Executing this code, we obtain this output.

f wait
g trigger 0
==== Time step 0 ====
f trigger 1
f finish
==== Time step 1 ====
g finish

Race Condition

Note that if we change main_loop([f(), g()], 2) into main_loop([g(), f()], 2), then the output is slightly different:

g trigger 0
f wait
==== Time step 0 ====
f trigger 1
f finish
==== Time step 1 ====
g finish

This is not a bug, and this is common in asynchronize programming. Simultaneous threads synchronized by the same events are not guaranteed to be executed in a fixed order. As long as the time steps are not mixed up, the results are valid.

dont_initialize in SystemC

You might wonder why some lines are print before “Time step 0”. If you are familiar with SystemC, you can use a dont_initialize() to prevent this before sc_start(). This can be implemented by adding a pseudo-event called the initialization event, we can allocate one extra event more than the number the user requests, and then yield -1 force the thread to wait on that events. (Note: we somewhat abuse that x[-1] gives the last element in Python.)

def main_loop(threads, n_event):
    global event_pending, event_queue
    event_queue = [list() for dummy in range(n_event+1)]
    i = 0
    while event_pending:

We don't need to modify anything else to support SystemC-like dont_initialize(). Adding yield -1 at the first line of f and g gives us:

==== Time step 0 ====
f wait
g trigger 0
==== Time step 1 ====
f trigger 1
f finish
==== Time step 2 ====
g finish

Nested Events

Nested events are supported directly with yield from added in Python 3.3, or you can use the older equivalent for-loop.

def f_nest():
    for i in range(10):
        yield 0

def f():
    for n in f_nest():
        yield n
    # If you are using Python 3.3+, then this will be better.
    # They are equivalent.
    # yield from f_nest()

def g():
    for n in f_nest():

main_loop([f(), g()], 1)

Wait! Running this code, you will get

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not an iterator


This is because that g doesn't include any yield and thus is not a generator. But what should we yield to make this code work correctly, or, what event should we wait? The finish of initialization phase could be a good choice, that is, to add a yield -1 at the top of g. This is reasonable since if the initialization isn't done yet, then the generators aren't waiting on the correct event index, which could easily give wrong results.

Summing up

In the production code of Nicotb, it is necessary add more funcionalities like:

  • Allocating events dynamically,
  • Adding Fork, Join and basic synchronization primitives and
  • Informative error messages.

But most of them are software engineering tasks.

Also, we don't explain how the SystemVerilog event is related to this parts, which we will elaborate in the VPI part.